
Thursday, January 12, 2017

UM & Global Update: Online Resources

Astute readers of UM & Global will recognize something new about the site today: I have added additional pages. These pages contain lists of links to resources relevant to the topic of the blog.

There are four new pages as follows:

UM News: Contains links to various official and unofficial news sources focused on The United Methodist Church from the US, Europe, and Africa. News sources are in a variety of languages.

UM Scholarship: Contains links to freely available, publicly accessible scholarly material related to The United Methodist Church.

UM Mission News: Contains links to a variety of publications related to mission from Global Ministries, UMW, and theological schools with United Methodist connections.

Mission Scholarship: Contains links to freely available, publicly accessible scholarly material related to the study of mission across all denominational traditions.

In addition, I have continued our "About" page, and a click on the banner image at the top of any page will take you back to the home page where the regular posts are located.

While I have included all of the relevant links of which I am aware, the Internet is a large place, and there may well be other sites worth including. If you know of such material, please send me a link and a brief explanation, and I will continue to update the pages as needed.


  1. David, thanks so much for including United Methodist Insight in your list of news source. One important note: We aren't solely an "aggregator" site, as each weekly issue typically has one or more original news reports or opinion pieces. Example: "Congolese United Methodists Struggle to Make Peace after Ethnic Violence."

    1. Thanks, Cynthia. I'll change the description accordingly.
